Revolutionizing Commercial Production with Motion-Controlled Precision

Topic: OMS’s Motion Controlled Robot Arm

In the dynamic world of commercial videography and photography, technology continuously reshapes how stories are crafted. At OMS Photography, we embrace every new challenge with an open mind and a solutions-focused approach. So, when our creative tech and in-house engineer, Paul Lanterman, proposed adding a Motion-Controlled Robot Arm to our arsenal, we were all ears.

Paul observed a growing trend—clients increasingly requested slow-motion and motion-controlled videos for digital menus, websites, social media, and broader media campaigns. The slow-motion effect allows viewers to savor every detail, making fast food feel a little…slower, inviting them to fully appreciate the product.

Paul knew that a robot arm would provide us with unmatched camera precision and open up creative possibilities, offering camera angles and movements impossible for a human operator to achieve. Initially, the team was hesitant. After all, we’ve seen robots in grocery stores, hotels, and college campuses—many of which haven’t yet hit their stride…

But we kept an open mind and took a call with SISU Cinema Robotics. What we discovered was surprising. This wasn’t the sci-fi C3PO robot we imagined—but more like a lightsaber (excuse the nerdy reference, but you get the point). It wasn’t really a robot after all but more a powerful tool that could elevate our work to new heights. 

After some paperwork and extensive training, the robot became part of our team. With Paul at the helm—honing his craft like a Jedi Master—he’s delivered on his promise of creating incredible, cutting-edge work for our clients.

The Cincinnati commercial production industry has also benefited from our robot’s unique capabilities. Given the high costs and complexity, very few production companies in the country own one—there are only a handful in the U.S. and just one other in our region. As a result, we’ve been able to leverage this distinctive tool to help industry peers, like Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and longtime OMS partner Jeff Barklage.

Despite Jeff’s vast experience and top-tier equipment, certain camera moves remain out of reach without the help of a motion-controlled robot. That’s where we come in. An example is “Brunch With Friends” a collaborative piece between OMS and Jeff that perfectly showcased the robot’s capabilities paired with expert camera work and direction. The result was a seamless blend of human creativity and robotic precision—something we’re proud to share with our clients.

As we continue to grow, we hope to be a valuable resource for the Cincinnati creative community, helping filmmakers and brands achieve even the most challenging video production goals. Whether you’re tackling a tricky shot or need a unique approach for your next campaign, OMS is here to help.

Want to learn more about our motion-controlled robot arm, cameras, and cutting-edge video capabilities? Get in touch and discover how we can bring your vision to life. Contact OMS.