Brent Taylor’s Image Shortlisted for International Production Paradise Spotlight Awards

We are excited to share that another one of OMS Photographer Brent Taylor’s Still Life image featuring Gucci Guilty has been shortlisted for the Production Paradise Spotlight Awards. The selection was made by an expert jury consisting of:

· Wassila Korchi , Global Communication & Digital Director at Christian Louboutin Beauty, France
· Abe Chuang, Creative Director at Mother, China
· Alli Sim, Beauty Director at Vogue, Singapore
· Kate Phillips, Visual Director at Country Living & Veranda, USA
· Daniel Boyles, Operations Director, Branding at Garden, UK

The Still Life Production Paradise Spotlight Awards winner will be announced on September 23rd.

Congratulations to all the shortlisted photographers!

Check out more of Brent’s portfolio here: Brent Taylor, Commercial Photographer